Monday, September 17, 2012

Grandma's Quilts

What did the quilt at your grandma's house look like? Colorful cotton fabric or crocheted yarn?  Did it look similar to this blog?  Mine sure did. The quilts that the grandmas used to stitch and probably even some make today are made with hours of time and lots of love.  It makes sense then that the homemade quilt becomes a symbol of creative talent and workmanship by the creator and a symbol of love to those who have the privilege of cuddling and snuggling in it.  The fragrance of my grandma's quilts always reminded me of two things:  1) the smell of her home and 2) the smell of fresh laundry that had been drying on the old fashioned clothesline.  It has to be a proven fact that those homemade quilts helped keep you warmer and healed anything that ailed you.  I wish more of us would learn the art and take the time to leave such a legacy for our own children.  Maybe we do with other crafts and projects which express our talents.  However, I believe that the sickest child or the most heartbroken soul can heal in "grandma's quilt".  That is why I chose this blog pattern to set the stage of what I hope will be a resource for all of us busy grandparents and parents who want to be that "warming blanket of comfort" to our children and who want to leave a strong legacy which speaks to them the way each square of a quilt speaks a story.

In line with Sunday, September 9, 2012 and Grandparent's Day, I would like to begin my quest in connecting with other grandma's through this blog. I also would like to invite all who have small children in their lives or those who would like to help foster the relationship that their children have with their grandparents.

I have been pre-planning this for months and have so many ideas to share that I hope you will chose to follow this blog and contribute with your ideas and comments. All of the ideas can be used as grandparents, parents, or any adult who wants to make a difference in the life of the children they are close to.

I haven't found anything that compares to the pure love and joy of being a grandparent! I am grateful every day for those darling "snuggle bugs" in my life.

Let's begin this journey together!

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