Thursday, September 27, 2012

When are you too old to serve?

Never.  That would be the answer you get from most ambitious Grandmas no matter how old they are.  My mom is no exception.  I wanted to feature my mom, Colleen Taylor, in this blog post.  She is my hero.  This lady has been through more adversity than I can list here.  She has survived 4 children who weren't the easiest to raise, a car accident leaving her almost disabled when it came to walking without assistance, and most recently the loss of her sister-in-law, brother, two sons and her husband all within a two year period.

She still lives alone in her own home with help from my sister Shana.  In all the adversity, I can honestly say I have never heard her complain or ask "Why me?".  She is my example for livng a life of service. 

Not only does she not complain, but she is constantly serving her family with her sewing skills and baking.  She is creative and has created several revenue streams from her crafts and cooking through the years.

I wanted to feature her latest service which I think is commendable.  She saw an opportunity in the local newspaper in Pocatello, ID to help a church (of which we do not belong) sew sundresses for African children who are poor and/or in orphanges.  These are a sample of a few of the latest dresses.  She has now sewed over 20 dresses in a very short time.  She goes to garage sales and the Deseret Industries looking for material that will allow her to make the most dresses possible for these young girls. If you would like to do this or know someone who would, please leave your email in the comment section and I will get a copy of the pattern and information to you.

I am so proud of you mom! You are almost 84 years old and still serving.  What a great example you are to your daughters, granddaughters and all who know you.  And isn't she just the cutest, classiest grandma? 
Love ya mom!

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